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Legea atracţiei universale - Vibraţia gândului


Klaus John - A Trip To Inside - Holotropic Breathwork

What can be achieved with Holotropic Breathwork:
- Release of stress, tension and psychosomatic blockades;
- Integration of unfinished elements of ones life history, birth, and transpersonal experiences;
- Getting awareness about own mental "programs";
- Release from addiction and dependency;
- Processing psychedelic experience;
- Improvement of self-acceptance;
- Increase of joy of living and creativity;
- Facilitation of trust into the universe and of mental / spiritual growth;
- Deeper human encounter, understanding and communication.
"Dramatic changes come when previously suppressed joy of living is released or even old pain and tension get solved and leave space to a more balanced way of living."
Stanislav Grof

The Making of this film:
In the beginning of 2008, Juri Schmidt presented his concepts and work to Klaus John. After intensive preliminary talks and own participation in a workshop, the project matured. Juri developed a special shoulder stand to take professional recordings without disturbing the participants during a two-day workshop. There were strict requirements for quality because it was a diploma thesis. In addition, there was the claim that the experience of the participants should be shown factual and ethical correctly. Also according to the participants, this goal was fully achieved. For presenting the experience focussed on practice and for the dramaturgy, theory and a presentation along a timeline was largely abandoned. Juri Schmidt shows his perspective of events with intensive support and advice by Klaus John.
The observer will also get his own view of things. Topics such as death and abuse can stir up and polarize. Finally it is important to know that it is a healing process and all the participants are fine after such an experience. This booklet and the epilogue provide information to watch the film in the context of the topography of the unconscious developed by Stanislav Grof. In the epilogue, Klaus John discusses the difference between psychedelics and Holotropic Breathwork and shows some missing perspectives.


La Răscruce de Drumuri - Durerile naşterii unei noi viziuni asupra Lumii

Crossroads - Labor Pains of a New Worldview


Ceva necunoscut face ceva ce nu stim


Minti luminate (Living Luminaries)


Karunesh - Heart Chakra Meditation (1994)

Karunesh - Heart Chakra Meditation - full album

Heart Chakra Meditation Karunesh Original Instructions

Pamantenii (Earthlings)


Dumnezeul minunilor (God of Wonders)


Planeta privilegiata (The Privileged Planet)


Apa (Water)


Descifrand misterul vietii ()


Ce naiba stim? (What The Bleep Do We Know?)


Nosso Lar (Caminul nostru)


O Filme Dos Espiritos (Filmul spiritelor)


E A Vida Continua... (Si viata continua...)


Schimbarea (The Shift)


Legea Rezonantei


The Opus


Secretul (The Secret)

Parti din Marele Secret s-au aflat în traditiile orale, în literatura, în diferite religii si filozofii, de-a lungul secolelor. Pentru prima data, toate partile Secretului au fost reunite într-o revelatie incredibila, care va transforma vietile celor ce o traiesc. Din aceasta carte, veti învata cum sa folositi Secretul în toate aspectele vietii dumneavoastra – obtinerea banilor, pastrarea si redobândirea sanatatii, relatiile interumane, fericirea si în orice interactiune pe care o aveti în aceasta lume. Veti începe sa întelegeti puterea ascunsa, nefolosita, care se afla în launtrul vostru si aceasta revelatie poate aduce bucurie fiecarui aspect al vietii dumneavoastra. Secretul cuprinde întelepciune de la învatatori din vremea noastra – barbati si femei care au folosit-o pentru a dobândi sanatate, bunastare si fericire. Aplicând cunoasterea Secretului, ei aduc la lumina întâmplari captivante de vindecare a unor boli, de redobândire a sanatatii, de depasire a unor obstacole si de obtinere a ceea ce multi oameni ar considera imposibil. Marele Secret a fost transmis de-a lungul epocilor, a fost mult râvnit, ascuns, pierdut, furat si adus cu mari sume de bani. Acest Secret vechi de secole a fost înteles de câtiva dintre cei mai importanti oameni din istorie: Platon, Galileo Galilei, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, Einstein – alaturi de alti inventatori, teologi, oameni de stiinta si mari gânditori. Acum, Secretul a fost dezvaluit lumii. „Pe masura ce aflati Secretul, veti ajunge sa stiti cum sa aveti, sa fiti ori sa faceti tot ceea ce doriti. Veti ajunge sa stiti cine sunteti cu adevarat. Veti ajunge sa cunoasteti adevarata maretie care va asteapta în viata.” - din Introducere. Autor: Rhonda Byrne

Louise L. Hay - You Can Heal Your Life


Jiddu Krishnamurti - The Cause Of Conflict In Relationships.


Efectul Umbrei (The Shadow Effect)


Eckhart Tolle - Renuntarea la gand (2/2)


Eckhart Tolle - Renuntarea la gand (1/2)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 8)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 7)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 6)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 5)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 4)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 3)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 2)


J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm - The Ending of Time (Dialogue 1)

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